Energy medicine uses energetic frequencies to successfully modify the structure and function of biological tissue.
Research proves at least one of the main effects is to stimulate cellular production of ATP, the form of energy used by human cells.
– stimulates the healing processes
– encourages tissue regeneration
– reduces excessive inflammation and pain, and
– enhances repair.
Oscillating electrical fields resonate deeply into your physiology, biochemistry, and effect your health
– as with music, it is not the strength of the signal that counts, it is its frequency.
– Using the science of resonance, energy frequencies can stimulate specific cells to vibrate restoring them to their own healthy, natural resonant frequency.
An object will vibrate strongly when it is subjected to vibrations at a frequency equal to or very close to its natural frequency. This phenomenon is called resonance.
A normal cell has an electrical potential of about 90 millivolts. An inflamed cell has a potential of about 120, and a cell in a state of degeneration may drop to 30. By entraining the electrical fields of the cells within its range, cells can be brought back into a healthy range.”
Laboratory experiments conducted at Skidmore College in New York, proved that, by creating custom digital electronic signals, they can destroy cancer cells and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA).
Researchers created sympathetic resonant vibrations which in a short amount of time shattered targeted cells from pancreatic cancer, leukemia, ovarian cancer, and the dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacterium MSRA.
(“google” Anthony Holland TED Talks)
“We can target specific micro-organisms with specific frequencies.”
“We now know that cancer cells are vulnerable between the frequencies of 100,000 Hz and 300,000 Hz.”
Electronic frequencies proved to not only kill a large % of cancer cells, it also slowed the growth by up to 65%!
Electronic signals also showed to eliminate antibiotic resistance in MRSA cells.
The Energy Medicine Revolution
- EM can address the source of an issue, effect biological processes at their deepest (energetic) foundations
- EM is a precise, predictable, and efficient science – regulates biological processes with precision, speed, and flexibility
- EM promotes the prevention of illness with methods that can be readily, economically, and noninvasively applied
- EM promotes patient empowerment can be used on an at-home, self-help basis
- EM taps into the power of quantum physics, and
- EM promotes a holistic approach to health & well-being, strengthening the integration of body, mind, and spirit