The meeting with Emilia introduced irreversible changes into my life, thanks to her I deepened my knowledge on the spiritual level. Now there is peace, harmony and love in my life, and my awareness is expanding every day. I am grateful to the Creator that I met Emilia – my Teacher, and both a Friend.
I remember my first Theta-Healing session with Emilia, which opened like a magic door to the recesses of my soul. Using a unique gift combined with extensive knowledge, Emilia led me step by step towards the treatment of many traumas, the removal of patterns and healing on the physical and metaphysical level. Emilia is the Guide through whom I healed my body and soul during the Theta-Healing session.
During my regression hypnosis I found answers to my questions. In this journey, I have made a lot of changes going back in space-time, destroying all contracts that have negatively impacted my life in many areas. Emilia expertly performed hypnosis, in which I felt very safe with a feeling of full trust in my heart. After hypnosis, I am able to say that I am a happy, conscious and free person like never before in this human life.